Thursday 30 August 2012

Oh Brother.....

There's supposed to be something special about the relationships between brothers...right???

I like to imagine my boys will be best mates, always there for each other, a shoulder to lean on...etc

Perhaps one day they will is not that day!!!

Master 15 delights in tormenting Master 12.....Master 12 delights in dobbing on Master 15.  If I query the logic of this interaction I am simply told that "All brothers act like this".

Perhaps they do...after all I have never been a brother...though I do have a couple of my own.  When I put my mind back I can recall a fair bit of tormenting, and the family stories of big brother vs younger brother have become legendary.  Somehow I thought (hoped) mine would be different...alas this is not to be.

Today was the Annual Book Week Parade at Master 12's primary school.  Students were to come dressed as their favourite book character.  This in itself is an almost impossible challenge as Master 12 does not like to read...he'd rather wait for the movie to come out!!

We decided to compromise and find a character that appears in both books and a movie, and thus we settled on Tintin.  This was probably helped by the fact that he has posters of Tintin on his wall and there may have been some subliminal message being beamed into his brain as he falls asleep each night.  Maybe it's just because he wears fairly normal types of clothes, and Master 12 couldn't foresee any major craft projects involved in putting together his ensemble. ( Have I mentioned that Master 12 by his own admission is criminally lazy?)

So here we were, all suitably coiffed, ready to go.  Master 15 takes one look, "I AM NOT WALKING TO SCHOOL WITH HIM", apparently I should be driving Master 12 to school, while Master 15 walks to avoid the utter humiliation that is certain to befall him if he is seen with a brother in dress up clothes.  Well I burst that bubble, so it was declared that he would walk either 50 metres ahead or 50 metres behind...but he would not be seen with his there would be certain damage to his reputation if anyone knew they were related.

Suffice to say I sent them on their way.....together....and of course (as expected) Master 12 gleefully regaled me with every name his brother called him  to and from school....there were quite a few...good to see someone is reading and improving their vocabulary!!!

The resemblance is uncanny...wouldn't you say??

What did I learn today?
At 15 years of age it is not good to be different in ANY way!!!

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